Natural subprograms can be exposed as (Web) Services through , a DataView (XRD) maps the parameters passed to the called subprogram.
The following steps are required:
Define a driver and prepare the environment, described in separate sections for Mainframe, Unix / Linux and Windows platforms.
For prerequisites and compatibility information please read here
Create the mapping PDA -> DataView, the following sections outline the required steps.
The preferred way for creating DataView(s), the mapping from a Natural Paramaeter Data Area (PDA) to the Portus structures exposing the Service via a WSDL, is through an automatic "discovery" process as described here
In addition to the automatic generation process outlined above, Services can be created / defined as follows.
Add a new Portus Service, specifying the following:
A Service name
Select a driver of type "Natural" from the dropdown list
For "Service Identification and Options":
The Natural Library name in the "Library" field
The Natural subprogram name in the "Program" field
For Mainframe Natural only the Program name is to be entered,
because the library is specified on the driver, not the individual
In addition to the manual approach described in detail in the Data Views section, Services and DataView(s) for Portus can be generated/imported from SYSOBJH extracts or directly from Natural sources.
For a detailed description of the process refer to the Service Creation section
Certain steps are required to enable the Portus server to call Natural subprograms, this section describes them.
Specify a valid LOGON <library>,<userid>,<password> in the STACK parameter of the parameter module used with the Portus Natural driver.
Library SYSEXT must be defined as a STEPLIB to library SYSSOA.
The Portus interface to Natural requires the interface
library in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (LIBPATH on AIX).
However, this shared library is contained in $NATDIR/$NATVERS/bin, and
not in the Natural /lib directory. Due to this, either the Natural /bin
directory must be added to search path variable, or copied /
moved to a directory contained in the search path variable.
In the Portus Servers View, select the server you want to define a Natural driver for, in the Properties View select the Drivers tab, click the Add... button.
From the Driver Configuration Dialog select "Natural_Driver"
When defining a Natural driver for the first time, make sure to
check the "Show (post-setup) Driver Information" box because only this will
allow you to extract the INPL file containing the Portus Natural
interface- and example programs.
The following values are preset, change as required:
Only the Driver DLL parameter is to be entered as is, you are free to choose any Driver Name you wish, set the SBCS codepage and MBCS codepage parameters according to your local or internationalization requirements.
Click the Save button, you will now be asked to (optionally) enter Natural initialization parameters, for example PARM=MYPARM to use a Natural parameter module other than NATPARM.
Click the Save button again, the newly defined driver will appear in the Driver Properties section.
When "Show (post-setup) Driver Information" has been selected, the following information box will be shown, and allow the extraction of the SYSOBJH file containing the Portus Natural interface- and example programs.
The following steps are required to load the Portus Service creation and demo programs in a Linux / Unix environment
Start the Natural Configuration Utility (natparm)
For the specific Natural Parameter file to be used when accessing Natural from Portus (default: “NATPARM”), select "Edit" -> “Natural Execution Configuration”
Select “Steplibs”
Define library “SYSEXT” as a “Steplib Extension”
Press the “return” key to save the Steplib modification(s), then use the “Esc” key to close all windows.
Select “File” -> “Save” to preserve the adjusted Steplib setting
Quit the Natural Configuration Utility with “File” -> “Exit”.
Before entering Natural to load the Portus system- and demo-programs the environment variable WRKF3 needs to be set to allocate work file 3 for the “Natural Object Handler”
Here, as an example, the work file name is defined as “natwork3.sag” in the current working directory.
Start Natural, tab to the “Direct” entry on the main menu, enter “SYSOBJH” to start the Natural Object Handler:
Select the Object Handler “Load” function
Select “Load objects from Natural work file(s)”
Enter the Portus OBJH “Work file” name and select “Portable work file” and “Set additional options”
Either enter a “Report file” name, or deselect the “Write report” option
Hit the “return” key a number of times, the following screen will finally indicate what Object handler operation will be carried out:
Hit the “return” key once again, the Portus Natural system- and demonstration objects will be loaded, the following message indicates the completion of the load operation.
Press the Enter ( = return ) key again, and one more time to quit the load function, followed by the “Esc” key to terminate the Natural Object Handler.
The Portus interface to Natural requires the interface library natni.dll.
Make sure the %NATDIR%/%NATVERS/bin directory, which
contains natni.dll, is in the path.
Specify a valid LOGON <library>,<userid>,<password> in the STACK parameter of the parameter module used with the Portus Natural driver.
Library SYSEXT must be defined as a STEPLIB to library SYSSOA.
In the Portus Servers View, select the server you want to define a Natural driver for, in the Properties View select the Drivers tab, click the Add... button.
From the Driver Configuration Dialog select "Natural_Driver"
When defining a Natural driver for the first time, make sure to
check the "Show (post-setup) Driver Information" box because only this will
allow you to extract the INPL file containing the Portus Natural
interface- and example programs.
The following values are preset, change as required:
Only the Driver DLL parameter is to be entered as is, you are free to choose any Driver Name you wish, set the SBCS codepage and MBCS codepage parameters according to your local or internationalization requirements.
Click the Save button, you will now be asked to (optionally) enter Natural initialization parameters, for example PARM=MYPARM to use a Natural parameter module other than NATPARM.
Click the Save button again, the newly defined driver will appear in the Driver Properties section:
When "Show (post-setup) Driver Information" has been selected, the following information box will be shown, and allow the extraction of the SYSOBJH file containing the Portus Natural interface- and example programs.
The following steps are required to load the Portus Service creation and demo programs in a Windows environment
Start the Natural Configuration utility
For the specific Natural Parameter file to be used when accessing Natural from Portus (default: “NATPARM”), under “Natural Execution Configuration” -> “Steplibs”, add library “SYSEXT” as a “Steplib Extension"
Klick the “Save” button, or select File -> Save
Start Natural Studio, the initial display will be something like this
Import the Portus Natural interface and the demo programs. For this, start the Natural Object Handler – enter the command “SYSOBJH” in Natural Studio's Command line
Select the Load function
Select “Load objects from Natural work file(s)”
Specify (or browse for) the Portus OBJH unload file, check “Portable work file”, select “Use additional options”, click “Next”
click “Next”
Click “Next” to “Load all objects from work file”
Click “Next” again to start the actual load process.
The Portus System- and Demo-programs have been loaded. Click “Next”.
Click “Cancel” to terminate the Object Handler load function
Confirm termination of the Object Handler load function by klicking “Yes”
Dismiss the Object Handler “the Windows way” by clicking the “close” icon in the upper right hand corner.
In the Portus Servers View, select the server you want to define a Natural driver for, in the Properties View select the Drivers tab, click the Add... button.
Select the Natural Driver, click the
When defining a Natural driver for the first time, make sure to
check the "Show (post-setup) Driver Information" box because only this will
allow you to extract the INPL file containing the Portus Natural
interface- and example programs.
The Driver Defintion Dialog will be pre-set with the following values, change according to your needs and preferences, click the
buttonAs the Natural driver requires a number of additional parameters, the dialog will expand and prompt for more input. Again, fill these parameters as required, you are free to choose any Driver Name you wish, set the SBCS codepage and MBCS codepage parameters according to your local or internationalization requirements. Click
again.The parameters are as follows
Parameter | Value |
NaturalBatchPgm | The name of the Natural Batch nucleus load module. A standard
Batch-Natural is used, no modifications or additions to the Natural nucleus are
Important: |
InitParms | Natural initialization parameters. Specify any required parameters overriding the Natural parameter module settings, all Natural profile parameters are allowed here. |
PreInitSessions | The number of sessions in the session pool to be pre-initialized. |
MaxSessions | The overall size of the session pool, this parameter should be set to a value high enough to accomodate the peak number of parallel sessions expected. |
NaturalLibrary | The Natural Library to log on. |
NaturalSteplibs | Specify up to 7 Natural library names, in a comma-separated
list, to be set as STEPLIB(s). When the NaturalLibrary parameter is not
specified as "SYSSOA", include it in the list of Steplibs if you
intend to use the "Service creation" feature to import PDA structures and
expose them as Portus Service(s).
Note: |
NaturalSecurity | Specify Yes or No, depending on if your
environment is protected by Natural Security or not.
Important: |
naturalUserId | Specify a Natural userid defined to Natural Security |
naturalPassword | Specify the password valid for the user defined on the naturalUserid parameter |
Once saved, the newly defined driver will appear in the Driver Properties section:
When "Show (post-setup) Driver Information" has been selected, the following information box will be shown, and allow the extraction of the INPL file containing the Portus Natural interface- and example programs.
Add the Natural load library, or more specifically the load library containing the Natural batch nucleus specified in the driver's NaturalBatchPgm parameter and the modules NATXCAL and NATXCAL4 (contained in the Natural distribution load library), to the Portus server Job's / STC's STEPLIB.
You may want to add a CMPRINT DD statement to your server JCL, in case of an error during Natural session initialization or execution Natural will write its error messages to this dataset.
Ensure the Portus server region is sufficiently sized to cope for Natural's storage requirements, including the local bufferpool(s) if it is used.
Any standard Natural INPL job can be used to load the Portus system- and demo-programs from the supplied dataset ASGvrm.INPL, for example (as usual, replace the library names, database parameters etc. to match your environment):
The Service Creation ("Discovery") process generates a DataView (XRD) and optionally a XML Schema (XSD) from either a Natural PDA (Parameter Data Area) or a parameter data definition (either an inline DEFINE DATA PARAMETER and/or referenced external PDA(s)) within a Natural subprogram.
These bits of mapping information are assembled into a WSDL in real time by the Portus server when a WSDL is requested through the
http://<server>:<port>/<Service>?WSDL URI for a specific Service.
When the signature (parameters) of a subprogram change, only the DataView needs to be recreated (via "discovery") and the Service "refreshed" (the DataView cleared out of the cache), with the next access to the WSDL it will automatically reflect the changed parameters.
Natural Type | DataView | WSDL / XML Schema | Notes |
A | sbcs (space padded) | xs:string | Dynamic variables allowed |
W | mbcs (space padded) | xs:string | |
B | hex.Binary | xs:hexBinary | Dynamic variables allowed |
F4 | float | xs:float | |
F8 | double | xs:double | |
I1 | byte | xs:byte | |
I2 | short | xs:short | |
I4 | int | xs:int | |
L | Natural logical | xs:boolean | 0, false / 1, true |
N | zoned decimal | xs:decimal | |
P | packed decimal | xs:decimal | |
D | date | xs:date | YYYY-MM-DD |
T | date + time | xs:dateTime | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS(.s) |