Install the IMS/DC Client Environment in a Message Processing Region
The member must be named DFSMPLxx where xx is the suffix characters designated by the PRLD parameter in the MPR JCL.
The pre-load program list is used to ensure that all programs that use SMARTS do not get deleted from the MPR storage during the life of their unit-of-work (transaction). Add all User-written application program names which use SoftwareAG software – e.g. Adabas SQL Server, XTS or any other required SoftwareAG optional programs.
The member must be named DFSINTxx where xx is the suffix characters designated by the PREINIT parameter in the MPR JCL.
The pre-initialisation program list is used to automatically initialise SMARTS POSIX Kernel at MPR start-up: Add PAINKERN to the list of programs to execute at MPR initialisation.
All IMS applications which invoke SMARTS facilities must run in
a dedicated IMS MPR.
Add APSvvv.MVSLD00 dataset to the STEPLIB concatenation in the procedure- where vvv is the SMARTS version.
Add other required SoftwareAG datasets as directed by the Installation Procedure of each product.
Add a “//SYSPARM DD” statement for the SMARTS POSIX configuration. This dataset is required to define the runtime characteristics of your POSIX environment. For more information, see SMARTS Configuration Sources.
Add a “//CONFIG DD” statement for the dataset containing the environment variables required for your POSIX applications within IMS/DC. This DD name is specified by the ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES parameter in SYSPARM, which defaults to “CONFIG”. For more information, see the section SMARTS POSIX Miscellaneous Parameters, ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES.
PAINKERX – This program may be used to communicate with the SMARTS Kernel to initialize and terminate the Kernel, and to invoke Kernel commands. PAINUSNF – This performs a User sign-off of the SMARTS IMS/DC environment. This does not affect the normal running of the MPR if the associated transaction with this program is not used when a user ends an IMS session.
Any optional SoftwareAG programs which are to be used will have to be included in the IMS Sysgen together with the transaction names associated with these programs. The transaction names may be named to installation standards.
The following programs support the SMARTS IMS/DC interface:
Where Next ?
You have now installed and configured the SMARTS IMS/DC software. All User-written IMS/DC application programs which interface with SoftwareAG software must link-edit the SMARTS Environment Dependent Initialisation module PAIAINT, and, if required, SMARTS main Environment Dependent wrapper module PAINMNIT, or SMARTS non-main Environment Dependent wrapper module PAINNMIT, into the application program load module. For more information, see the SMARTS documentation.