Portus Version 2018-08-24

The Portus approach

Portus adopts the view that data and business logic can be exposed in a simple, open and logical fashion that requires no coding on the platform where the data and business logic resides. This leads to the point where access to existing data and business logic on any existing platforms can be achieved by installing software and configuring it. This task can be undertaken by the system administrators who are normally available on site. Looking to the future, later projects can then continue to reuse the software with only a configuration requirement to make additional data available for other application development or integration projects.


Less Points of Failure Leads to a More Resilient Solution

With this architecture, there are less points of failure. The application talks directly to the software that accesses the database or the program containing the business logic, thus the additional hop from client to middleware and middleware to server is avoided. Less points of failure leads to a more stable and reliable implementation.

Only Configuration - No Programming Effort

Once Portus has been installed on a platform, the only additional effort that must be made to make data or business logic available is to configure the product to access the data or business logic. This can be done by the administrator or systems programmer for the existing platform instead of having to get programmers with the appropriate knowledge to develop code on that platform. Portus provides a discovery interface for each supported database or programming language to automatically create the Web Services for you. This means that your programmers or users can focus on the business issue in hand instead of spending time on getting to the data or business logic.

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