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Out of Memory Error?

PostPosted: August 20th, 2013, 1:17 pm
by AarushChopra
Hello All,

I have been getting Unhandled Event Loop & Out of Memory errors when trying to import WSDLS using Service Discovery. When I click the Generate button, the CC hangs for a few minutes and then displays the following error:


Can anyone explain to me what the problem is?



Re: Out of Memory Error?

PostPosted: August 20th, 2013, 6:12 pm
by JohnOMahony
It looks like the default JVM arguments are too low for the size of the WSDLS you are trying to import.

This can be corrected by setting the range of lower and higher heap size arguments to bigger values in Eclipse.

Ideally the max Heap size should be set to half of max of physical RAM in the machine.

The recommended way to change these values is your eclipse.ini file.

For more information on PermaGen settings see the eclipse documentation: ... Eclipse%3F